is not only learning one of the most promising languages of today, but it is also exciting adventure in a comfortable German city!
Here children learn German together with Planetino the funny alian, who came from the Planitania planet. He speaks as well as play different games only on his language!

You probably have a question:
“Where this idea of learning German came from?”
The answer is: our greatest insperation are CHILDREN, we firmly believe that every child can learn a foreign language if during the class they here “their language”.

That is why the training complex “Planetino” is a foundation of our lessons and it is focuses on the intrests that children have. It is filled with active games, crafts and songs.
Well structured, colorful workbook
is well developed for children of 9-12 years old
each class trains four types of speech activities:
and it is preparing children for successful learning of A1 level
for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
We have to note that the much attention is paid to
interactive teaching methods.
In the form of games children successfully learn verbal and written
language skills. Along with that they receive,
great pleasure, which is very important.
And the system of encouragement, which operates as part of the course,
serves an aditional incentive for more effective learning.
Certified teachers are working with children. They conduct interesting and informative lessons.
The classrooms of the Center are equipped with new technologies which are necessary for more effective foreign language learning.
Children receive “fairytale dollars” for success and attendance. They can spent them at the “fairyshop”.
The focus of the Center for English lessons are orphans, children from single, large and poor families.
The age group of children, that this course is developed for,
– 9-12 years old.
The lessons are every Monday
5.00pm – 5.50pm.
We are planning to start German Club (in depth study of grammar and working with text) for seniors who are planning to pass exams in foreign language.
Children prepare speacial celebration programs for Christmas and Easter. For that they prepare plays and sing songs in German. This helps them to develop creativity skills and also practice their German.
We also celebrate many German holidays. This way children a acquainted with history and culture of Germany whose language they learn.