To be prepared for independent life 
To learn to solve conflicts   
To find ideas for business and implement them to life
To form reliable character
To learn to make important decisions
To become financially independent
To learn to manage time and resources
To learn to develop leadership qualities
To find your calling in life 
To improve team work skills
To detrmine future occupation 
To become a successful people

For the meeting of our club we are using the following training programs: 

The the program consists of 40 principles of productivity, selfcontorol, leadership and management. It has more then 50 years of practice. Those are strong, purposeful and practicle principles. They were developed to motivate people for changes and character formation.  Principles: Productivety, Reliability, Planning, Hard Work, Responsibility, Attitude, Sound Mind, Justice, Depts, Generosity, Honesty, Ownership, Savings, Prosperity.
The focus of this program is to prepare young people for independent life and help them to integrate into communities they will be in.  The program talks about following modules: Personality, communication skills, health and hygiene, love and sex, gift of marriage, parenting, housekeeping, how to manage time and money, vocation skills, law and right.
This program helps to lay down durable and reliable foundation for financial literacy. It teaches practical skills in financial management. This course covers following subjects: Responsibility, Work and Training, Debts, Advices, Giving, Expenses, Savings, Honesty, Friends, Family budget. 
The business program is consists of 3 seminars (94 hours) and its objectives are: First (20 hours) –  To help students to identify their gifts and talants; to develop their business idea which will meet the needs of the community.  Second (26 hours) – to help students to develop understand of practical business principles.  Third (48 hour) – to help students to write detailed business plan; teach students to write general plan to present it before perspective investers and sponsors. 
The topical meetings, lectures and trainings; Invitation of well known and successful people; Whatching educational videos;  Games (intelligent, entertaining, team building and logical); Competitions, Quests (photo quest, investigation quests);  Tours, travels, trips and much more intresting and exciting.
  1. Communication and friendship with successful people;
  2. Formation of the reliable character and positive life attitude; 
  3. Teenagers will receive knowledge, which will help them to prepare for independent life and become financially independent; 
  4. Monthly the best attendies of the club will have opportunity to visit bowling rink and icerink in local shopping center;
  5. To receive international certificates;
  6. Opportunity to participate in international competitions and programs;
  7. Opportunity to start their own business; 
  8. Intelectual, creative and spiritual development; 
  9. The ability to carry out their potential;
  10. Gifts. 

I can say that it was the “time of changes”. Here are the changes that took place in me: Change of thinking (The main change); Change the point of view of life; I have started to see people around me differently; I have changed myself! One thing that is important for me is that I became more stable in spite of the outward circumstances. I found the direction for my life and also got know how to act in different situations in my life.You are a great example. I know that have changed future for better for each of us and for all of the youth in general.

Ievgenii Yuskevich


Here are some reasons why you should attend the Successful youth club:  1. It is cool and fun; 2. Everything that you will hear there will one day be; 3. When you speak, they are helping you to find yourself; 4. They teach you the most hard things and it helps you to become successful and a happy person.  I can tell much more positive things about the club, but I want to be short: Successful youth club is a school of life. Thank you!

Volodymir Moskal

A Student

I came to the club without any expectations. And I was truly happy! The leaders of the club are the people that does not want anything from you, they just want to help you to improve and not only you but all of the people who want to change! For me this is something unbelievable! Here at the club we talk about things that are truly important! What truly important that they do not impose their point of view, they speak about it. Here I fell free, filled with strength and assurance that you can do anything and that you are incredible!

Christina Ventsko

A student

I never expected anything from the club, but received many.  Here at the club for the first time in my life I met men that truly love their wives and children. Colleagues that are good friends at the same time. People whose example you want to imitate. My life became different. I have started to write different poems, understood why I am writing for. I can say only one thing that I owe you my life, literally.
Svitlana Bida

A student

After every meeting of the club my worldview changes more and more. I realize many of my mistakes and do everything possible to make things right. You are sincere and frank and you give joy and warmth. When I have problems I forget about them when I am with you. I think that this club is a wonderful place where you can find true friends. You are changing lives! I became a better person! Thank you!
Natalia Nebelska

A student

When I came to the club for the first time I thought that I might impact my life. It was very interesting to hear what smart people have to say. But then I realised that I cant be without those smart people. They inspire me. I have started to think about things that never did before. Here at the club we receive things that will come in hand in any time and place. Here we learn about things that are truly important. Although it should be in school where they prepare us for adult life. Now when I know all of those things that I learned at the club I look at the past and understand how much I needed it before. How I needed the simple advice that would help. Right now I am trying not to skip any meeting of the club. Because after every meeting I am going back home with lots think about. Thank you! 

Tanya Boris

A student

Club gave me opportunity to change my life and my worldview. I changed my attitude to people, community and about profession, alcohol and cigarettes, premarital relationships, time management and other things. I can’t imagine where I would be today if I did not came for the first meeting of the club. Because of the club I was able to meet new good friends. I learned many things to do: making plan, leaving according to the principles, helping others and enjoying doing so. Thank you.
Yuriy Mikolyuk

A student

I can tell surely that my life would be ruined if there would not be club. I never could even think that there are people that are so close to me and are bringing so many special and beautiful things. Because of the club I was able to find a way out of many problems. I have found and arranged my goals and dreams in my life. Every evening I remember about you: Yura, Oleg, Zhenya, Natalia and Ivan and I thank God for sending such a wonderful people into my life. I know that your life mission will help millions of people and it is helping. I believe that you will make it all and you will always be in my heart. I love you very much! You are awesome!
Irina Nabenyuk

A Designer

Thank you for the time that you have spent with us, for sacrificing time to support us in general and individual. It is important that you people that have more life experience were able to hear us and gave us many advices and in the same time never forced your opinion on us giving us a free choice. My concept about youth was changed and I am clear about that in my life. Thank you for your support, for information that you found for us. Your attitude helped me to change mine. 


Yulia Yuskevich

A student


