February 24 and 25 the team of the “Success” Center held a “Biblical Entrepreneurship” seminary in a biblical seminary in Chisinau (Moldova).
The seminar was attended by 36 pastors and ministers from different cities of Moldova. The knowledge and skills are extremely valuable to the participants, as each of them is in the process of writing a personal plan for ministry and business.
In the presentation of speakers, participants heard testimonies and success stories in business from several last year graduates of the seminary. They were able to practically apply this knowledge and to start or expand own businesses.
We thank God for the opportunity to study the principles of the Kingdom of God in different countries! We believe that people can change the economy and society for the glory of God!
March 13 and 14 the team of Success Center held a Principles of successful Entrepreneurship that is based in the Bible seminar in Ternopil.
There were 30 participants at the seminar. Most of them were people that want to start their own businesses but there was few people that have businesses but they want to enhance them.
The overall expectation that people had from the seminar was to hear what Bible has to say about entrepreneurship. How should Biblical entrepreneur conduct himself. What principles of life and business should have entrepreneur to be successful.
Here are some seminar participant’s feedbacks:
I liked the atmosphere of the seminar it was very friendly, free, the entire schedule, and printing materials. All of the teachers and subject were very interesting. I will participate in the future seminars with great joy. I am looking forward to see more practice group sessions and opportunity to solve practical question. Thank you very much. – Ovod Vira, Director of Translation Agency.
What I liked the most about the seminar is responsibility. The example of the talents that master gave to his servants was very practical. I understood that I need to see the needs of people and solve them. I liked that all of the examples were from the Bible. – Moskal Volodomyr, the pupil of 10th grade.
I liked that there was more then one speaker and their personal examples. I liked that they gave us manuals that we can use them later at home. I also liked that there was time to get to know each other and that we had some homework. – Zablodska Oksana, works at the clothing store.
All of the topics were interesting and useful. I received a lot of useful information for the sphere of my work. After the seminar I want to look for peace of God in everything and work according to the principles of the Bible. Thank you! I am very much pleased with the seminar. – Shooldak Oleksiy, doing construction work.
All of the seminar participants remained pleased and looking forward to following seminars in April. After that they will be able to present their business plans at the competition in USA in September of 2015.
We believe that only people that are trained can influence other and bring true changes and many great things for the Kingdom of God on Earth.
We would like to share our joy about the ministry to kids and adolescents that you studying in our Success Center.
In April of 2015 the team of the Center held three Easter meeting of Superbook club for kids and teenagers at risk. The overall topic of every meeting was the redemptive sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.
All of the kids with great excitement came to watch new series of Superbook cartoon, as well playing games and doing all of the tasks and answering questions from the Bible.
By the end of every meeting kids prayed together with and excepted Jesus into their hearts as their personal Savior. They asked for God’s blessing and peace to their homes and Ukraine.
Important event that happened during this moth was celebration of Easter together with all of the participants of the Scholl of Life project from Ternopil. About hundred children age 4 till 16 together with their parents and caregivers came to the Center for this event.
Children were doing skits, singing songs and declared poem about the Resurrection of our Savior and they did all of that in English. The atmosphere of love, support and friendship was evident during the celebration. After the end of the celebration all of the participants received a gift from the Center.
April 16-18 of 2015 Success Training Center team held two seminars of Biblical Entrepreneurship course. Those two seminars were “Practices of entrepreneurship in todays market place” and “Business planning”
Eighteen participents successfully finished the training and now they are getting closer to the “finish line” – writing personal business plan!
May 30 of 2015 they will take pat in business-plan competition. It will become an outstanding event, as each of the competitors will be able to present a plan to the team of the judges and potential investors, as well as to see and evaluate the business plans of the other participants.
The winner of the competition will be rewarded with the opportunity to participate in International Business Plan competition that will going to be held in Orlando, FL, USA in September of 2015. It will be an exciting time for new contacts with participants from different countries, businessmen and investors in one of the most beautiful parts of America!
The team of the center will actively help the participants in preparation for the competition. We will regularly organize workshops, conduct personal consultations and support in the writing of business plans.
We believe that because of the practical biblical principles changed and trained business people will be able to positively impact their surrounding and country on general though their work places and businesses.
The team of teachers from Success Center held a training on the subject of “Fastest, easiest and cheapest way to success is training (learning)” on April 28 for the economical college which is a part of Economical Universety of Ternopil.
There were more then 70 students present. With great interested they received information and practical steps. They also took active part in discussions.
Both students and teachers of the collage remained pleased and are looking forward for new meetings with the team of the Center.
A photo quest “Objective creativity” was held in Ternopil on May 7 it was a competition between high school students of secondary schools. Organizers of the event were the City Pupils’ Parliament “Nasnaga” and “Christian Center for Entrepreneurship Development “Success” with the support of the Center for Children and Youth of Ternopil.
19 schools of Ternopil in total of 130 adolescents took part in photo quest competition. The task that all of them received was in hour and a half make twelve creative pictures in various geographical locations in the center of the city.
After they finished those tasks they brought us pictures that they took and we posted them in one of the social networks for online voting. More then 500 people took part in voting.
On May 19, we had the award ceremony for the winners of photo quest.
Both organizers and participants of the event were happy about the opportunity and looking forward for future competitions.
We thank God for allowing us conduct many interesting events for youth and belting new friendships with city public organizations and schools.
Training Center Success had celebrated the end of the school year for children that attended English, German lessons, lessons of independence for youth and computer lessons on May 26. All of the children received the certificates of completion on this school year.

Along with the celebration children were able to show their talents at the Talent Show. The sang songs, declaim poems and play musical instruments also they showed some crafts that they made by themselves.
On June 1 our Center started a day summer camp “Peace on Earth” for kids that are coming to our Center during the school year and their friends. In the first days of the camp we had about 45 kids of age 6 to 15 years old. Kids enjoy Bible lessons, games and tasks of the camp. We are still continuing with the camp.
On May 30 Success Center held a business plan competition among the students of Biblical Entrepreneurship course. This course was organized by the Center in March and April of this year.
Competitors presented their personal business plans to start or expand their businesses. The panel of judges evaluated business plans. The winner of the business plan competition became Aleksandr Tsybulskiy with his plan “Tennis complex”.
In September of this year he will be able to represent our country at International Business Plan competition in Orlando, Fl. We sincerely congratulate Aleksandr with this victory and wish him success in fulfillment of his plans.
Five day camp Peace on Earth was finished on June 5. It was organized and held by Ternopil Training Center Success. During 5 days more then 50 children that were coming to the Center during school year came to play games, compete in quests and do different crafts. But most of all they were able to hear Bible lessons, which will help them to form right Christian character improve relationships with parents and friends.
As the result of the lessons children prayed to God asking for forgiveness of their sins and they invited Jesus into their hearts. After summer break we will continue investing biblical principles of life into their lives through Life skills lessons, English, German and computer lessons.
The team of Ternopil Training Center Success held a summer camp «Peace on Earth» on the base of Krements sanitarium for children from different orphanages and boarding schools of the region that were not able to go home for summer. The camp went very successful. Kids played games had many competitions, crafts. All of the were able to hear different Bible lessons and watch Superbook cartoons, which will help them to for right Christian character. As the result all of the children prayed a prayer of repentance.
Staff and volunteers of Success Center had a great opportunity to minister for orphans, children from multiple and poor families in summer camp Lisoviy (Skomorohy village, Buchach aria, Ternopil region).
It is fifth year now that directors of the camp invite our team for cooperation to share with kids knowledge and skills about making correct decisions. To teach kids to solve conflicts and to prepare children for independent living.
The overall objective of our ministry is to put God’s principles of life into the heart of children. That is why during lessons and trainings we were talking with children about following: “Personality”, “Character is a foundation for successful living”, “Life values”, “Conflict solving”, “Relationships between children and parents”, “Relationships between boys and girls”, “Limitations” and others topics from Restoration and Life Skills for youth programs. We have also showed educational movies held games, competitions and quests.
This year ministry in the camp was unique because of many new things and creativity:
8 staff workers are volunteers were able to minister to kids in the camp (last year there was only two);
We were able to reach kids from all of the age groups starting with 6 till 16 years old. (Before we mostly worked with older teenagers);
For the first time we had meetings at the “Be a hero!” English club;
For the first time we had meeting at “Superbook” club and show cartoons with discussions and games;
Also what was unique about this camp that we had kids not only from Ternopil region but also from eastern regions of Ukraine.
More then 300 children were able to attend our events. More then 20 children talked with someone in the team personally about their lives and were asking for advices and prayer for their situations.
The last day of the camp was unique as well. We have invited our friend’s musical band “Calvary band” (Calvary Chapel, Ternopil). Guys were performing modern songs and Christian song that they wrote. They shared stories from their personal life, preached to Good News about Jesus Christ. Directors of the camp and children gladly and sincerely received their message. At the end of the concert children prayed for forgiveness of their sins and confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
We would like to share with you with our great joy and excitement about the work that Christian Training Center is doing for kids from groups of risk in November – December of 2015 in Ternopil.
The workers of the Center took in part in the training “On the threshold fi adult life” as trainers on November 7th. Ternopil regional charitable fund “Orphans Future” with financial support of international charitable fund “Global Children’s Fund” organized that evenet.
There were 13 orphanage graduates that were present at the training all of there are orphans of children that were deprived of parent care.
The workers of the Center taught module number four called “Family values the basis of relationships”.
The goal of the training was to show the main principles of relationships within the family (between parents and children and between spouses), to receive skills in safe communication, correct behavior and laying down foundation for correct values in relationships between boys and girls as well as the foundations of building a strong and happy family.
We have talked with them about “Family values”, “How to improve relationships with parents”, “True love awaits”, “The building of unity” and “The overall principle of happy family”.
All of the participants and organizers remained happy about the training. And we have agreements about future cooperation.
On November 26 the Success Center celebrated Thanksgiving Day with children. We had 130 children and teenagers that regularly attend lessons of English, German, computer and Life Skills celebrating Thanksgiving with us. Participants of the celebration showed their knowledge’s, played games and were thanking God for all of the blessings that He sends to us so abundantly.
Every week we continue to have meetings of the Successful youth club. On November 30 we had a special guest Michel Wood pastor from London (Great Britain). He was speaking about Leadership that is leading to success. The main message of the speaker was love that is able to change any situation and positively effect lives of any person.
The participants of the club actively took part in discussions, they were asking questions and were making important conclusions and decisions.
We had a privilege to take part in celebration of 25th anniversary of Ternopil orphanage that the workers of our Center attend for past six years to teach English and Life Skills.
With the words of greeting spoke director of the Center Ivan Papish. The workers of the Center performed a drama and gave presents for all of the children.
Both the works of the orphanage and kids were very much pleased with our small program and confirmed future cooperation with the Center.
We are truly thankful t God for opportunity that he gives us to invest Biblical Principles onto the lives of young people.
December 17 and 22 of 2015 Christian Training Center Success celebrated Christmas holidays and the end of the training in this semester. The celebration was held for 130 children and 80 adults.
During the celebration there was a joyful and thanksgiving atmosphere. Children recited poems, sang songs and showed Christmas dramas and they did all of that in English and German.
We have talked about the true meaning of Christmas, which is the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. By the end of the celebration children and adults prayed for forgiveness of their sins and accepted Jesus into their Lord and Savior.
We are truly thankful to God for the blessing in ministry to children and adults.
Previously, we wrote you that in December of 2014 the team of the Success Center started showing “Superbook” Christmas cartoon series in orphanages and boarding schools of Ternopil region. In January and February 2015, we continued to implement the project
In general, we visited seven orphanages. More than 600 children were present during the events.
At each meeting we showed two Christmas series. After we were discussing with children and adults the true meaning of Christmas, talked with them about God’s love for all people. Children are happy to accept the Good News, prayed with us and committed their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Of course, we visited the children not empty-handed. We prepared beautiful gift for each of them and presented after the discussion of the cartoon.
In April of 2015, we plan to again visit these institutions and conduct demonstration Easter cartoon series.
Thank you for your prayers and support. We are also extremely grateful to God for a unique opportunity to bring Bible stories through the “Superbook” in orphanages and boarding schools, and tell the children about the most precious gift – the birth of the Son of God!