is a great opportunity improve and deepen your foreign language skills
in a friendly environment among peers!
Certified teachers are working with kids teaching English in a creative and interactive way.
The classrooms of the Center are equipped with new technologies which are necessary for more effective English learning.
Children receive “fairytale dollars” for success and attendance. They can spent them at the “fairyshop”.
The focus of the Center for English lessons are orphans, children from single, large and poor families.

The lessons for preschoolers are at 1 p.m. and at 2 p.m. They are using “Happy hearts”, the “Magic English” series and other Internet resources.

The children that are in first and second grades attending lessons at 3 p.m. and they separated into two groups. They are using “Fairyland starter” book.

Children from 6-7 and 8-11 grades are separated into 2 groups and attending classes at 5 p.m. They are using “Real Life” book to study. This program held them to prepare for the graduation and entrance tests.

For those who are getting ready to pass exams from foreign language we invite to come for English Club Meeting every Monday at 5pm (in depth study of grammar and working with texts).
Children prepare speacial celebration programs for Christmas and Easter. For that they prepare plays and sing songs in English. This helps them to develop creativity skills and also practice their English.
We also celebrate many English and American holidays. This way children a acquainted with history and culture of counties whose language they learn.